Monday, November 26, 2012

"Tolkien" About the Movies...

Hey girls!

I'm super excited about the Christmas cookies we'll be making next visit (Rachel Barber, we'll miss you! Hope everyone else can make it!).

Last Tuesday, right after group ended, Rachel Gaffney and I were talking about a new movie coming out on the 14th of December... The Hobbit. For a while, I've been trying to get a large group of people to go see it together (because group prices should cost less), but Rachel had another idea. Why don't we as a small group go to the midnight premiere?

What a novel idea! (Pun intended...) Rachel said she hadn't been to a midnight premiere, I never have, and Carley, I think you said you went to one for the Hunger Games?  I've heard it's kinda exciting to see it at midnight, when it's showing in theaters for the first time and going with a group makes it even better. We would probably want to meet up at the theater Thursday evening (December 13th) (since it's premiering at midnight, right between Thursday and Friday) so we could enter as a group (six or more I think qualifies as a group). What do you all think?