Hey Girls!
So this chapter was just what I needed to be reminded of..How about y'all? Speaking words that bring life can be super difficult especially when I rely on myself because I always fail.
The first story was interesting. Calling that boy "Fat Mike" was hurtful. Mike may have not expressed his hurt since after all he is a boy, he could have been embarrassed but we know deep inside when we feel for him, we know that label was scaring and he was probably more sensitive than we "think". I thought it was wonderful that years later, the Lord put Mike on her heart, to pray and confess that horrible sin that not only hurt her but Mike even worse. Despite the damage done, I'm so thankful God convicted her of her cruel speech. She is now more aware of the hurt it caused and is probably more compassionate. "One of areas that can cause the greatest trouble in our lives is located on our face between the chin and the nose...We cant take our words back once we speak them." I met with Miss Jeanne a week ago and the tongue idea just keeps coming to me. I know that I struggle with this, not only my speech but even more, my thoughts! "The best way to make sure that what comes out of our mouth is good is to put thoughts in our heart that are good." This statement is so true. I notice myself when I am in the Word and when I am not, my thoughts change. When I am not in the Word, I have a tendency to be more edgy, rude or unloving. I recognize when I am in prayer and communicating with the Lord, He brings uplifting, healthy thoughts to my mind. Therefore, loving, healthy speech follows. What we think can easily turn into words. The Bible says we are to "do all things without complaining and disputing" (Phil. 2:14). I don't understand why complaining is such an easy trap to fall into but its frustrating! I complain when life doesn't go my way or on my timing, when the weather isn't the way I want it, when my family isn't doing what I want, when my siblings get things that I don't...on and on it goes. I must remind myself everyday to trust that the Lord is Perfect and is allowing everything to happen in my life because He is in control, never because He messed up. We always must remember that of course, as I said earlier, it is extremely hard to talk "perfectly" on our own, but it is possible to become more and more like Christ with our speech with His help. We must ask and desire to speak love and kindness.
"All of the good things to think about daily" were wonderful reminders. Two stuck out to me. Number 4, "Think about whatever things are pure." When we think about things with no evil, we will not speak evil or tainted words. Also number 6, "Think about whatever things are of good report." We should strive to have a positive attitude daily despite our circumstances. When doing so, negative or discouraging words will not be near.
"It's important to discern that, and the only way to know when to speak and what to say is to pray for wisdom about that in advance." James 3:17, "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving,considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." If we ask the Lord for wisdom with our speech, He will help us and give us the words to encourage at the right time. It is difficult for me at times to just listen and hear what others have to say, instead of just giving advice or my input. I must remember to ask God to show me what to say. I must ask God for wisdom to know WHEN to say it.
"...We shouldn't spend more time talking about our prayer requests than we do praying about them." I just wanted to say I think we have done a better job of this especially towards the end! It is always a great reminder for us! Us girls can EASILY talk to each other about our problems more than praying to God about them. But lets keep up the good work during our prayer requests time! :)
A few last things to remember to be conscious about this week..."With our words we will either build lives or we will tear them down." We have a choice, maybe we can all wake up first thing in the mornings and ask God to help us show His love to everyone around us through our speech. One of my favorite verses that I have above my bed in my room is, Psalm 51:10, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Sometimes I don't even notice this verse but it needs to be my prayer every morning for-sure! "It has the power to save, deliver, heal, provide, protect, and so much more. Using it profanely huts off these very things from our lives." James 3:5-6, 9-10 "Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be."
Have a wonderful week girls! I love and miss ya'll so much! I cant wait for our photo shoot and sleepover so we can ALL catch up! I'll try to write about OGN soon ;)May you feel God's presence today and EVERYDAY!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for posting. I will re-read the post and make a comment. So glad each of you are contributing to our blog!
Oh my!! This was CONVICTING!! i need to sit down and read the chapter but thank you for writing Carley and summarizing all this :) I love the connection between what comes out of my mouth and what is bouncing around in my thoughts, that is definitely something I need to make a mental note of....
ReplyDeleteSee you soon! :)
Oh my goodness, Carley! Agreed, that's convicting!!! I have no clue how to add to that. :) Nicely done!